Days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube
Days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube

days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube

Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, maker of the heaven and earth" (Ps 121:1-2). That is why the Psalmist said, "I lift my eyes to the mountain. Change begins and hope erupts one day when you realize like Jonathan that God does not dwell in the cave of arrogance, disobedience, and cowardice. One day when you stop trying to destroy your life and start trusting a loving God who can deliver you form the pit of despair. When do you make necessary changes in your life? One day when you become sick and tired of being sick and tired. The Bible says, "One day Jonathan said let us go look for the LORD" (1 Sam 14:1-4). In this defeated, depressed, and discouraging circumstance, Jonathan made a choice to search for God.

days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube

The rest of the army had resorted to using farm tools for weapons. Among Saul's troops Saul and Jonathan each had a sword. When we come to Chapter fourteen, the Bible says that only two swords remained. While Saul's army was hiding, the Philistines raided the neighboring villages confiscating all weapons. Israel's army retreated to the caves of Gibeah. your kingdom will not endure the LORD has sought a man after His own heart." (1Sam. Instead of divine blessing, Samuel, who arrived just after Saul finished the offering, rebuked Saul saying, "You have not kept the command of the LORD. Unwilling to wait for the prophet Samuel, the arrogant King Saul foolishly offered a sacrifice. Saul's arrogance in going to battle against a superior enemy without seeking the LORD's will led to additional disobedience. Saul's soldiers knew they were over-matched, and they "quaked with fear" (1 Sam. The Bible says after Israel defeated the Amorites and Jonathan defeated a group of Philistines in a small skirmish, Saul foolishly declared war against the Philistines who were "as numerous as the sand" (1 Sam. The account of 1 Samuel 14 begins with Israel's army hiding among the caves of Gibeah after having been defeated in battle by the Philistines. One historic day Jonathan chose to become a Vertically Inclined person. There came a day in his life when Jonathan decided life was too precious to waste. In 1 Samuel 14, we discover that Jonathan was an incredible soldier who possessed an amazing faith in the LORD. Jonathan never demanded that the throne be passed down to himself as the reigning prince. What most remember about this man is that he befriended David and humbly acknowledged David's calling to be the next king of Israel. One man who understood the principle of numbering his days was Jonathan, the son of King Saul. Our day may not be historic, but each day is holy and significant.

Days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube how to#

Moses exhorted the people of God to pray for wisdom that we would understand how to number our days. We must learn to see each day as a precious gift.

days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube

While some days may not be as memorable as others, the Bible says, "This is the day the LORD has made. Some events are triumphant - the birth of a child, a significant accomplishment, or the surprise of an IRS refund. Some families have experienced the tragedy of an unexpected death caused by an auto accident or heart attack. Some days may not make national headlines, but the impact upon an individual or family can produce significant alternations, like the day my daughter had her first epilepsey seizure. Others could be listed, but the point is that some days are more than another 24 hour period of time. Some of the most recognized are the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, Martin Luther's nailing his 95 Theses on Castle Church door, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Armstrong's walk on the moon, and the 9-11 terrorist attack. Certain events in history emerged as watershed moments that radically affected the world.

Days leading up to the passion of christ movie u tube